After many years of jujitsu Recently a penny dropped . The question I was asking my own sense almost every time I met him was what makes a master . The word master goes back a very long time and means different things to different people . A master in the jujitsu sense , is someone who has acquired knowledge and is at the top of his game , but more importantly he or she is passing on his or her knowledge to their apprentices . To be a master brings a responsibility to pass on and to develop people to become masters themselves . It is the same in business . The middle strata of leadership should always be under apprenticeship to support and grow individuals . But what blocks the creation of new masters from the apprentices is that special secret sauce . many people call this “umph “but Robert Greene is his book mastery nails it . It is creative action . The missing step we have looked for for years is sourced from our original child Like curiosity , the creative spark perhaps even the divine spark if the gnostics had their way . If we are going to move people to being master which takes years we have to keep their child alive …
Ground control to major tong !!!